It Feels

Hello cutiepies ~

A part of my family are visiting me here in Thailand, so tomorrow we are going for a little shopping and "entertainment" trip. (funfunfun ~ ! ^^) And speaking of shopping, I met these cute little girls at the mall the other day. They had been watching me for a while (My brother saw it, I had no idea haha!) and just when we were about to leave, these girls came running after us and then asked if they could take some pictures with me. (Even if I had a really awful make-up and hair day, I accepted their request ^_~). Their english wasn't very good but we had a really great time anyway. Such cute little girls ^^

This is kind of a common thing for me when I visit Thailand... I don't really know why, but I guess it's because of my pale skin, blonde hair and blue eyes.. haha >_<' And because I'm not a celebrity in any way, It makes me really happy that I can make others happy too, with only my presence. It feels


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