|geo 'circle' black fire - review|sponsored by cirkellinser.net|

Like I mentioned earlier, these lenses were kindly sponsored by lovely cirkellinser.net
Hope you sweethearts liked this review and if you have any questions, please let me know in the comments!
Until next time
// N E A

|my new bedroom|

Sweethearts♡ I recently got the idea that I wanted to re decorate my bedroom. The funny thing is that I always get these kind of ideas right in the middle of the night, and I can't fall asleep without making them real. So yeah, to get my beauty sleep I had to start moving around all my furniture. But it didn't really bother me because interior design is something I've been really into for a long time now, and recently I've started to know more about my personal style and taste. So far, it leans to the "dollhouse"-ish look, with a touch of Rococo and the main colour is white, LOVE it.

However, I'm really happy with the result and here's some pictures of how it turned out!

What do you think? Feel free to let me know in the comments♡
Bye for now lovelies
// N E A

|N E A daily doll makeup|

Hi sweets! A lot of you have been asking me to do a makeup tutorial and well, I did one a while ago but forgot about it... I'm sorry sweets. *-*' Anyway, I can't say this is actually a "makeup tutorial", it's more like "watch me do my makeup"... haha!
However, in this video I'm doing the makeup I published in a face look-post a while ago. It isn't a very extreme look, more natural and dolly-like. And it is one of my most favorite looks I've ever tried out actually. Simple and cute~
I must say I got really surprised when so many of you asked me to do a tutorial on this makeup, you guys are just too sweet! ^ ^ But enough with the talking, let's watch!


If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments!

// N E A

|my first wig|review|

Hello sweeties! Here comes a little review I threw together, hope you'll enjoy!

First of all I want to point out that I actually don't remember the name of the webb store where I bought this wig... So, why am I doing this review? Well, this is actually the very first wig I ever happen to own, and I absolutely love it. I simply just think it deserves a good and honest review.

The texture of the hair is kind of stiff and rough, but at the same time very fluffy and soft. When I first got it, it actually were a bit clumped together, the curls were thicker and more defined. I actually didn't mind it back then but recently I've started to think it looks too unnatural, so I brushed it through and it got this frizzy and more natural look. It really has it's own character now, not these unnatural and impersonal curls.
When I'm brushing it through I always start with the tips and then work myself up, ALWAYS. I even use this technique for my own hair, I just can't stand when I se someone who's torturing their hair by aggressively trying to brush out everything that's tangled, starting from the roots and down... I litterary can hear their hair screaming for help, haha!
I give this wig four out of five "N", but why? Well, like I mentioned earlier I am a perfectionist. It's so beautiful with all the curly and fluffy hair, but, with all that quantity of hair, there is a down side... It gets pretty heavy. And this almost every time ends up with me having a headache. Of course it's not the wigs fault my head is pretty sensitive, but as you know this is a personal review so I just tell you about my personal experience with this wig.
There is nothing wrong with the quality, the hair is strong and thick, it doesn't look too shiny and plastic. I gave $24.00 for this and I actually think I got more then I actually paid for, I'm really happy with this wig.♡
For you sweetheart who are interested in finding something similar to this wig I'm 100% sure you can find it on eBay. Just search with the key words "long frizzy wig" or something like that and you'll probably find something that you like!
I hope you cutiepies liked this review and if you have any questions, please let me know in the comments! Hugs and kisses to you all.
// N E A

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